George Orwell
Animal Farm

A classic allegorical novel by Orwell. I guess it’s sort of
political satire which follows the story of farm animals who induce an uprising
against their human farmer. Then a few things happen here and there, but in the
end the state of the farm ends up in just as bad or arguably worse state than
it was in previously. The events are essentially meant to reflect the Russian
Revolution of 1917 and into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union.
I quite enjoyed this book. It’s an easy and quick read with a cohesive story which is written very well. I’d recommend it if you’re looking for an introduction into Orwell. It’s very highly regarded as you probably already know, so yeah take some time and read a classic.
I quite enjoyed this book. It’s an easy and quick read with a cohesive story which is written very well. I’d recommend it if you’re looking for an introduction into Orwell. It’s very highly regarded as you probably already know, so yeah take some time and read a classic.