I’m Crazy
Charles Verni
He stayd with that black dog some times with a han on his neck some times not he leggit so fas i cudnt hardly keap up with him. Hewd stummel and fall in to goals hewd go arse over head down suddn drops it dint mean nothing to him.
I dont know for cern what put it in my mynd then may be it wer the talking of scattert peaces. We wer going to have to go 2 different ways some time I dint know why nor how nor when but it fult me sad it come like a weeping inside me.
Put a name to some thing and youre beckoning. Iwl write a message if I have to but I wunt word nothing moren that on paper. With my head widening in circels and my mynd sinking like the stoan what made the circels.
We shiffit the thing and got Dad out from unner. Parbly it kilt him soons it come down on him he dint have no time to drown in the muck. He wer all smasht up you cudnt tel who face it ben it mytve ben any bodys.
I begun to clym all over that thing then. That girt big black thing. I wer looking to see if it had a name stampt in or raisd up in the iron of it like them things do some times. It had a shel of old muck stoan hard unner the new muck tho nor I cudnt fynd no name.
I begun larfing then I cudnt stop.