In A Pause

AV Moves

This is my first time listening to an AV Moves album. I can’t remember how I came across it but I’m glad I did. It was released in November 2020 on Leaving Records. AV Moves is the alias of LA multi-instrumentalist and experimental composer John Jones. The album has a beautiful flow to it as it engulfs you in a weightless, ambient world. 

I’ll leave part of the Bandcamp description as it gives more details on the album: 

"I became more intrigued by the idea of the visual context redetermining how a sound is perceived. It was a bit of an obvious observation, but one that I hadn’t fully explored in the process of writing music. I began creating sounds with the intention of aiding a moment, interacting with light, and enhancing the sensory experience. Gradually the sounds I created became defined by these ideas. Through melody, I found ways of deepening these imaginary scenarios. Melody has a way of extracting an emotion that each individual responds to differently. My intention with the melodic elements on what became “In A Pause” was for it to feel deeply personal but in a way that was relatable.