This is a fairly old album from back in 2003 released on BineMusic. I discovered it from Wonja and DJML’s Do/While show where they played Shine, which is one of my favourite tracks off the album.
I don’t really know too much about Tol or of other releases but Shang is in the realm of dub and IDM and tends to be quite minimal for the most part. There’s nice swinging rhythms combined with IDM textures that are perfect for a Sunday afternoon or just whenever you feel like you need to relax. There’s an ambience that overlays the whole album which gives it a lot of warmth.
The album was influenced by the sounds of Tol’s trips to China and Shanghai. Although I’ve never been to China, especially not in 2003 the tracks sort of transport me to a dream of what that could’ve been like. It’s an album you make your own interpretation of as there’s something personal about each of the tracks.
There’s so much to enjoy across this album, it’s so refreshing, and if you don’t like this album it’s probably because you have bad music taste.