Turn of Phrase
Maxwell Sterling
This is Maxwell Sterling’s latest album and was released at the end of April on AD 93 (formerly Whities). It’s a rather mind-bending piece of work, literally feeling like your mind is constantly being distorted whilst you listen.
‘Turn of Phrase is rooted in place and bound by time, yet is simultaneously unstuck in both of these things’. This is probably an apt description. It’s incredibly difficult to describe this album as words feel sort of meaningless when paired against the album. There are so many elements in each track which give them their own identity but they all fit together quite cohesively making it a unique, surreal album. Some of my favourite tracks are ‘Turn of Phrase’ and ‘Speaking in the Tongues of Angels’.
Like I said it’s hard for me to put into words, so have a listen and you’ll understand what I mean. It’s sort of an experimental masterpiece. It’s hard for me to compare to previous releases as I’m not too familiar with Sterling’s work but I’ll definitely be listening to more in the future.