

This was my first proper introduction to CFCF, I’ve only really listened to remixes here and there but I finally got round to listening. The album was released this month and the concept behind the album is so sick and the sound embodies this so well. I’ll leave the concept at the bottom of this review. It takes you on a journey through nostalgic electronica and I’ll leave bits of the Bandcamp description to help you get a better idea of the album.

CFCF jumps across genres as a means of portraying a breadth of overlapping milieus and identities in this hyperactive Y2K period-piece that both explores and criticizes our own nostalgic impulses. From the opening intro’s announcement of arrival to the final credits, it’s an album as film as RPG, with the listener as its protagonist.

Cadence Weapon also wrote a beautiful piece about the album. I’d highly recommend the album, it will definitely induce some kind of feelings inside of you.

“I was feeling fatigued by an overabundance of ‘calming’, productivity-oriented music, and wanted to explore something angsty, messy, and dark, while also applying a pop sheen. I see a loose narrative across the album: your early 20’s, a new city, new people, new temptations and new traps. Losing your sense of self to the whims of your surroundings and trends in music and fashion; the wrong people, and trying to dig yourself out of that hole. There’s a hope of moving forward that glimmers in the last quarter of the album, but it’s out of reach and seems to come at a price. And then the looking back on it later with perspective; or the looking forward to it before with anticipation. As a kid I couldn’t wait to be in my 20’s; in my 30’s it’s bittersweet to look back. That’s the core of memoryland: the gulf between the fantasy, the reality, and the memory, and how we live inside each of those at different points.”