Sketches on Loss and Levity
Abby Echiverri
Sketches on Loss and Levity is a beautiful hour long composition released on Going In who specialise in long-form compositions geared towards meditation, plant medicine ceremonies, psychedelic therapy, yoga, massage, or simply spacing out and going inside yourself. I’ve also previously written about two of their other releases which you should check out, here and here.
There are always new places to discover on Going In and this is no different. There is a nature to you that remains undisturbed for long periods of time, slowly waiting to be discovered. It consumes you, yet for the most part you don’t even realise it’s there. There is light that shines through you quietly from the muted embers of loss and lust.
It struggles through the crevices of places it’s meant to be. The hidden intimacies of life are visible to you and only you, birthed in every experience our inner face is always sensed but never seen. The wind gracefully caresses the mountains beneath the soul, not knowing what lays on its surface. The blossom meanders to the rhythm of instinct as if that’s all it has ever known.
There is only one direction to go, alleviating any friction that was holding you back. Your breath holds the weight of something precious as you’re consumed by lush textures from angles that have continually surpassed your gaze.
One day we’ll all be free.